
Does a messy desk with copious amounts of tangled string = productive?

Born from a basic need to make and review the made. To balance the thinking with the doing, the consuming with producing and of coarse theory with practice. This space will become a temporary home for some mini research experiments or doings. Attempting to eventually turn the 'mini' into a type of mega, I first need to start this whole balancing conversation on the topic of time and scope. Time = not much. Scope = hugely over-ambitious. For now: just doing!

The research takes on a practice-based approach. The theories reflect the doings reflect the readings stimulate more doings which stimulate more reflecting... etc. It is in a sort of rocking motion (backwards and forwards and feeding in from the sides) that the analysis and happenings will occur. So maybe more of a rocking sort of wobble. That is if this figure/ map (below) was to be interpreted into body movements.

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